Lunar Mansion 10: Al Jabhah, or The Lion
Jun 27, 2022
About Lunar Mansion 10
The Arabic name for Lunar Mansion 10 is Al Jabhah, which means "the brow (of the Lion)." In the Tropical Zodiac, Lunar Mansion 10 extends from 25°42’51″ Cancer to 8°34’17″ Leo.
I nicknamed this mansion The Lion. When the Moon is here, it's an auspicious time to dispel sadness and inspire courage.
Do: Be brave. Seek to improve your situation. Tackle tasks that require courage and strength. Take healing remedies.
Don't: Hide under the bed. Wait to be rescued.
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Lunar Mansions in History
Astrologers throughout the ages have commented on the meaning of the lunar mansions. Here's what's been written about Lunar Mansion 10.
From Al Biruni, 11th Century
Al jabhah, or jabhat al-asad, the lion's forehead, is formed by four bright stars, not in a straight line from north to south. The largest .and brightest and most southerly is the heart of Leo. Qalb al-asad, or al-malaki (Regulus)
From Abenragel, 11th Century:
Indian Astrology: Good for contracting marriage, for sugar and what is made with it. Bad for journeys and entrusting anything, for putting on new clothes or for women’s jewelry.
Dorotheos: Good for buildings, which will last, and for partnerships, benefiting all parties. If captured, at the command of a leader or because of great deed, and long, hard imprisonment.
From Picatrix, 11th Century
The tenth Mansion is Algebha and it is for the healing of illness and ease of childbirth in women. When the Moon has passed around to this Mansion, fashion [an image] from gold or latone [of] the head of a lion, and above it write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Cense the image with amber, and say: You, Aredafir, lift up sadness, slowness and infirmity from my body and from the body of whomsoever consumes food or drink in which this seal has been placed. And whatever day you may have censed it, and it shall be carried to the sick [person] or the infirm [person] shall wash it with another substance to be consumed against illness or for women who have had a difficult birth. And know that the name of the lord of this Mansion is Aredafir.
From Henry Cornelius Agrippa, 16th Century
Algeliache or Aglebh: neck or forehead of Leo. Strengthens buildings, extends love, good will and help against enemies to facilitate child-bearing. The head of a lion.
From Vivian Robson, 20th Century
Al Jabhah. alpha [Regulus] with gamma [Algieba], zeta [Adhafera], and eta [Al Jabhah] The Forehead. Strengthens buildings, promotes love, benevolence, and help against enemies. With Moon here, sow, plant, release prisoners but take no purgatives.
From Peter Stockinger, 21st Century
Al-Gabha, The Lion’s Forehead. Signification: Favourable for studies, earnings and professional success as well as for love. Make talismans for love spells and to cure illness; work spells intended to dispose of enemies.
From Christopher Warnock, 21st Century
After the depression and despair of the previous mansion, as the Moon passes into Al Jabbah, sadness ebbs and fades and our sense of power returns. This mansion signifies recovery from an illness or injury. It gives a positive indication in questions of love and friendship. Where the figure in the Ninth mansion covers his eyes and mouth, afraid to see and unable to speak, here the great lion gives forth a mighty roar.
Keywords: power, success, aid, healing, recovery, improvement, help, increasing strength