Lunar Mansion 18: Al Kalb, or The Caduceus
Aug 22, 2022
About Lunar Mansion 18
The Arabic name for Lunar Mansion 18 is Al Kalb which means "the heart." In the Tropical Zodiac, Lunar Mansion 18 extends from 8°34’17″ Scorpio to 21°25’40″ Scorpio.
I nicknamed this mansion The Caduceus. When the Moon is here, it's an auspicious time to heal or prevent illness.
Do: Start a healthy diet or exercise routine. Schedule medical appointments and procedures.
Don't: Ignore your health needs. Indulge to excess.
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Lunar Mansions in History
Astrologers throughout the ages have commented on the meaning of the lunar mansions. Here's what's been written about Lunar Mansion 18.
From al Biruni, 11th Century
Al qalb, i.e. qalb al aqrab, the heart of Scorpius, Antares, is a red and trembling star which astrologers describe as having the nature or Mars; in front of it is another star, and behind it is a third, the three being disposed in a curve.
From Abenragel, 11th Century
Indian Astrology: Good for building, for arranging lands and buying them, for receiving honours and power. If it begins to rain, it will be wholesome, useful and good. Eastwards journeys are favoured.
Dorotheos: Building undertaken will be solid. Good for planting and taking medicines. If a man gets married and the Mars is with the Moon here, he will find her not to be a virgin. If he enters a ship he will come out again. Bad for selling slaves, new clothes, cutting hair. Partnerships will result in discord.
From Picatrix, 11th Century
The eighteenth Mansion is Alcab, and it is for the healing of fevers and infirmities of the belly. When the Moon has traveled into this Mansion, fashion from wax the image of an adder holding its tail above its head. Cense it with the horn of a stag and say: You, Egribel, guard this house of mine that no serpent may enter nor any other hurtful beast. Place the image in a vessel which should be buried beneath your house; when it has been done as I have said then no serpent will be able to enter nor any other hurtful creature. If [the image] is to relieve a fever or illness of the belly, carry this image with you and it will free you [from them]. And know that Egrebel is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
From Henry Cornelius Agrippa, 16th Century
Alchas. Altoh. heart of Scorpio. Causes discord, sedition, conspiracy against powerful, revenge from enemies, but frees captives and helps buildings against fevers and pains of the belly. A snake holding his tail above his head.
From Vivian Robson, 20th Century
Al Kalb. alpha Scorpius [Antares]. The Heart. Causes discord, sedition, conspiracy against princes and rulers, and revenge from enemies, but frees captives and helps building. With Moon here, plant, sow, travel and go to war.
From Peter Stockinger, 21st Century
Al-Qualb, The Heart of the Scorpion. Favorable for the protection of houses, curing stomach-aches and fevers. Unfavorable for mothers in labor. Make talismans to expel serpents.
From Christopher Warnock, 21st Century
Here the focus is upon the protection of health. [The image is of an adder]; we do not want to rouse this energy against us. … The fact that the snake crawls on its belly indicates both protection and the need for protection from illnesses and ailments of the stomach. We should be careful not to eat to excess, as we are particularly prone to stomach upset under this mansion.
Keywords: poison, medicine, angel of death, protection against inimical forces