Lunar Mansion 20: Al Na'am, or The Hunter
Sep 05, 2022
About Lunar Mansion 20
The Arabic name for Lunar Mansion 20 is Al Na'am , which means "the beam." In the Tropical Zodiac, Lunar Mansion 20 extends from 4°17’09″ Sagittarius to 17°08’34″ Sagittarius.
I nicknamed this mansion The Hunter. When the Moon is here, it's an auspicious time for success in achieving your goals.
Do: Set intentions and strive to meet them. Seek answers to questions. Perform tasks that require concentration.
Don't: Be lazy. Allow distractions to get in the way of action.
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Lunar Mansions in History
Astrologers throughout the ages have commented on the meaning of the lunar mansions. Here's what's been written about Lunar Mansion 20.
From Al Biruni, 11th Century
Al naaim, the ostriches , four bright stars from the bow. Arrow and foreleg of the horse of Sagittarius forming a quadrangle. The Arabs compare the Milky Way to a river, and these stars to ostriches going to the river, naam waridah al nahr, while there are four others which they speak of as naam sadirah, returning from watering.
From Abenragel, 11th Century
Indian Astrology - Good for buying animals. Rain will be good and do no harm. Indifferent for journeys.
Dorotheos - Good for buying small animals. Bad for partnerships and captivity.
From Picatrix, 11th Century
The twentieth Mansion is Alnaym, and it is for hunting in the fields. When the Moon has come around to this Mansion, fashion in a plate of tin a figure having the head and arms of a man, the body of a horse with four feet and having a tail, holding a bow in its hands. Cense it with the hair of a wolf, and say: You, Queyhuc, make me to take all I hunt in the world, and let them come to me swiftly. Carry the image with you happily and you shall take anything in the world that you hunt. And know that Queyhuc is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
From Henry Cornelius Agrippa, 16th Century
Abnahaya. the beam, transom Helps taming beasts, strengthens prisons, destroys allies’ wealth, compels a man to come to a certain place hunting. Sagittary, half a man and half an horse.
From Vivian Robson, 20th Century
Al Na'am. zeta [Ascella] with sigma [Nunki], tau, and phi Sagittarius. The Ostriches. Helps the taming of wild beasts, strengthening of prisons, destroys the wealth of societies and compels a man to come to a certain place. With Moon here, build, ask favors but do not marry.
From Peter Stockinger, 21st Century
Al-Na’a’im, The Beam. Favorable for taming aggressive elements, for hunting and for construction. Use this Mansion to lay the first brick in the foundation of a building. Unfavorable for community wealth. Make pentacles against illnesses and cast spells to work charms of enmity.
From Christopher Warnock, 21st Century
Often, when this mansion appears, it indicates we must rein in unruly passions, whether they be anger, impulsive unbridled action, or pursuit of sensual fulfillment. This mansion signals success in a questions involving a quest or reaching a goal. If we have been hunting for something, the time is auspicious for finding it. But we must not be passive. Al Naam calls upon us to put forth the energy and single-pointed concentration of a hunt, if we wish to reach our goal.
Keywords: hunter targeted pursuit of a goal, taming or containing of aggressive forces, alliance