Lunar Mansion 22: Al Sa'd al Dhabih, or The Winged Messenger
Sep 19, 2022
About Lunar Mansion 22
The Arabic name for Lunar Mansion 22 is Al Sa'd al Dhabih, which means "the lucky one of the assassins." In the Tropical Zodiac, Lunar Mansion 22 extends from 0° Capricorn to 12°51’22″ Capricorn.
I nicknamed this mansion The Winged Messenger. When the Moon is here, it's an auspicious time to find freedom from constraints.
Do: Seize the day. Act quickly when opportunity arises. Free yourself from a situation that stifles you.
Don't: Resist change. Give in to your habits.
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Lunar Mansions in History
Astrologers throughout the ages have commented on the meaning of the lunar mansions. Here's what's been written about Lunar Mansion 22.
From al Biruni, 11th Century
Sa'd al-dhabih, the sacrificer; here are two stars, not bright, disposed horizontally with more than a cubit between them; both are on the horn of Capricorn. Near them is a third star which the Arabs call a sheep about to be sacrificed.
From Abenragel, 11th Century
Indian Astrology- Good for medicine and journeys, except for last third of day. Good for putting on new clothes.
Dorotheos - Good for entering a partnership, which will bring profit and usefulness, and for entering a ship, though there will be great anxieties from a strong desire to return and the like. A man who becomes engaged will break the engagement before the wedding and die within six months, or the couple will be in conflict and live badly, with the wife mistreating the husband. Bad for buying slaves, who will do ill to their master, or run away, or be irksome or bad. If captured, he will soon gain freedom.
From Picatrix, 11th Century
The twenty-second Mansion is Sadahaca. It is for binding tongues so that they do not say anything bad about you. When the Moon is in this mansion make an iron ring and engrave it in the figure of a man with winged feet wearing a helmet and suffumingate it with mercury. And inscribe this image in iron for the safety of fugitives. And say: "You, Geliel, bind these tongues so they cannot say bad things and make me secure and let N. escape safely from his enemies." Carry this ring with you and make a seal in black wax with the ring to bind tongues. Know that the name of the lord of this Mansion is Geliel.
From Henry Cornelius Agrippa, 16th Century
Sadabacha, Zodeboluch, Zandeldena. The shepherd Incites the flight of slaves and captives, helping escape, and curing of diseases, the security of [i.e. to catch] runaways. A man with wings on his feet, bearing an helmet on his head.
From Vivian Robson, 20th Century
Al Sa'd al Dhabih. alpha [Giedi Prima] with beta [Dahib] Capricornus. The Lucky One of the Slaughterers. Helps the escape of servants and captives and the curing of diseases. With Moon here, take medicine, travel, but do not lend money or marry.
From Peter Stockinger, 21st Century
Sa’d al-Dabih, The Fortunate of the Assassins. Successful liberation from any kind of restriction. Unfavorable for marriage and loans of money. Make talismans to cure sickness and to form bonds of alliance.
From Christopher Warnock, 21st Century
This is a mansion of speed, but also a mansion of escape. When it appears we may soon receive a message or the answer to our queries. It also signifies the end of an illness and the onset of recovery. Or it may indicate that we are escaping from an undesirable situation. Sa'd al-Dhabih also warns us that it may be necessary to emulate the image of this Mansion and act quickly in order to escape, or that we are in need of liberation from an intolerable situation. Often we become too set in our ways, willing to put up with all sorts of pressures rather than make necessary changes. This mansion might signal that we are going to lose a job or otherwise be shaken up by the energy of change, As stressful as this may be, we will eventually realize that we have gained our freedom.
Keywords: Escape from limitation, liberation from constraint, swift flight, deliverance, healing energy