Lunar Mansion 26: Al Fargh al Mukdin, The Muse
Oct 17, 2022About Lunar Mansion 26
The Arabic name for Lunar Mansion 26 is Al Fargh al Mukdin, which means "the spout of the bucket" of the water bearer. In the Tropical Zodiac, Lunar Mansion 26 extends from 21°25’40″ Aquarius to 4°17’09″ Pisces.
I nicknamed this mansion The Muse. When the Moon is here, it's an auspicious time to inspire love and beauty.
Do: Create or be inspired by art or other forms of beauty. Romance. Social engagements.
Don't: Travel. Waste time on what is boring or uninspired. Pursuit profit for profit's sake.
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Lunar Mansions in History
Astrologers throughout the ages have commented on the meaning of the lunar mansions. Here's what's been written about Lunar Mansion 26.
From al Biruni, 11th Century
Al-fargh al-weeal and al-thani or muqaddam and mu'akhkhar, are each marked by two stars, situated a spear length from each other, and all from Pegasus. The Arabs compare the four stars to a bucket dalw, but the eleventh sign of the zodiac is so known; fargh really means the place for pouring out the water, but these are often interpreted as the upper and lower handles, arquwatan
From Abenragel, 111th Century
Indian Astrology - Good for making a journey in the first third of the day, but the rest is good for neither journeys nor any other beginning.
Dorotheos - Good for building, which will be solid and durable, for buying a slave, who will be loyal and good, for entering a ship, though there will be delays. Bad for partnerships. Marriage will not last. If captured, he will be in prison for a long time.
From Picatrix, 11th Century
The twenty-sixth Mansion is Alfarg Primus, and it is for the creation of love. When the Moon has passed into it, take white wax and mastic and melt them together; from these fashion the image of a woman with her hair unbound and before her a vessel placed as if to receive her hair. Cense it will sweet-smelling odors, and say: You, Tagriel, bring me to the love and friendship of such and such a woman. Place the image in a small bag, and place with it also some of the most sweet-smelling of substances; carry it with you, and it shall be completed as you have requested. And know that Tagriel is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
From Henry Cornelius Agrippa, 16th Century
Alpharg. Phtagal Mocaden: The first drawing, draining. 21°25’40″ Aquarius. Helps union, love of men, health of captives, destroys prisons and buildings. Love and favor. A woman washing and combing her hair.
From Vivian Robson, 20th Century
Al Fargh al Mukdim. beta [Scheat] with alpha [Markab] Pegasus. The Fore-spout (of the Water-bucket). Causes union, health of captives, and destroys buildings and prisons. With Moon here, plant, sow, bargain, marry but do not navigate.
From Peter Stockinger, 21st Century
Al-Farg al-muqaddam, The First Drawing. Signification: Favourable for love and lovers, agriculture, marriage and trade. Unfavourable for overseas journeys. Make talismans to promote love and find a life-partner, magical protection and protection of travelers.
From Christopher Warnock, 21st Century
It is not the sexually charged passion of the 13th mansion, but of the higher love of the beautiful that draws the Soul towards its true celestial and divine source. This mansion signifies love, marriage, friendship and good will. If we are seeking love and this Mansion appears, it is a positive sign. It is a benefic mansion and gives a positive answer in general to inquiries. It also can indicate recovery from illness and health in general.
Keywords: subtle attraction, benevolence, goodwill, love and friendship, favor, relationship