Lunar Mansion 8: Al Nathrah, or The Eagle
Jun 13, 2022About Lunar Mansion 8
The Arabic name for Lunar Mansion 8 is Al Nathrah, which means "the gap." In the Tropical Zodiac, Lunar Mansion 8 extends from 0° Cancer to 12°51’22″ Cancer.
I nicknamed this mansion The Eagle. When the Moon is here, it's an auspicious time to achieve victory.
Do: Play to win. Focus effort on worthy goals. Challenge yourself. Celebrate your victories. Travel.
Don't: Run over others in your quest for glory. Give in to peer pressure. Give up.
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Lunar Mansions in History
Astrologers throughout the ages have commented on the meaning of the lunar mansions. Here's what's been written about Lunar Mansion 8.
From Al Biruni, 11th Century
Al-nathrah, the nose of the lion, formed of two small stars of Cancer which are interpreted as the nostrils. Between them is a nebula which some call the lion's uvula, lahat, malazah, but the Greeks call the stars the two asses himarain and the nebula, the manger, maflaf, (Praesepe)
From Abenragel, 11th Century
Indian Astrology: Good for taking medicine, for cutting new clothes, for women’s jewelry and putting it on. Rain will bring benefit not damage. Bad for travel, except for last third of night.
Dorotheos: Good for voyages, swift on outward and return journeys. Marriages contracted will be harmonious for a while, then discordant. A slave bought will deceitful, accuse his master, and run away. A partnership started will involve fraud on either side. If captured, long imprisonment.
From Picatrix, 11th Century
The eighth Mansion is Annathra, and it is for the acquisition of victory. When the Moon has traveled into this Mansion, fashion from tin the image of an eagle with the head of a man, and in its breast scribe the name of the lord of this Mansion. Cense it with sulfur, and say: You, Annediex, do such and such for me, and bring what I have asked to me. When this image has been perfected in this fashion, take it with you into battle and you shall be victorious and shall prevail [over everyone]. And know that Annediex is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
From Henry Cornelius Agrippa, 16th Century
Alnaza or Anatrachya: misty or cloudy 0° Cancer. Creates, love, friendship, travelers' fellowship, drives away mice, confirms captivity victory in war an eagle having the face of a man.
From Vivian Robson, 20th Century
Al Nathrah. 44 M Cancer (Praesaepe). The Gap or Crib. Causes love, friendship and society of fellow travelers, drives away mice, afflicts captives and causes their imprisonment. With Moon here, navigate.
From Peter Stockinger, 21st Century
Mansion 8: al-Natra, The Crib or Gap. Favorable for love and friendship and for land travel. Make talismans promoting the growth of crops and talismans against captives or captivity.
From Christopher Warnock, 21st Century
This mansion is positive for questions regarding love and marriage or for questions regarding the achievement of a goal. It can also signify a literal victory, such as in a lawsuit, contest or sport. … The combination of the winged eagle, a rapacious carnivore and symbol of war and victory, with the head of a man suggests we best temper impulses to indulge the emotions of conquest, to exalt our victory and run rampant with power. Let us be governed by our head, our reason, and be generous and magnanimous, not raging beasts.
Keywords: numinous support, victorious energies, alliance, conquest.