Podcast Show Notes, Episode 020

May 20, 2021
Shadowed Earth

Shadowed Earth

Release Date: May 26, 2021

Length: 55:53


It's eclipse season again, and time to talk about the illusive Shadow. Hosts Donna Woodwell and Chris Kaplan wade into the waters of collective shadow, and how we might learn to tend our own gardens on a Shadowed Earth.


5:10 Carl Jung & the Shadow

8:38 Shadow's Bright Side

10:42 Familial & Collective Shadow

14:19 Perspective & Shadow

18:26 Finding Spaces for Collective Shadow Work

20:34 Does the Collective Unconscious do Shadow Work?

25:00 Hope & Diversity of Vision

29:00 Tend your own garden

30:31 Holding Space

33:16 Tolerance 

 37:24 Integrity

44:00 What have we learned?

46:00 But what else can I do?

47:00 Embracing joy

52:06 Wheel within wheels of Consciousness

 54:07 Experiment 

Links from the Show

Jack E. Othon. Carl Jung and the Shadow: The Ultimate Guide to the Human Dark Side. High Existence.

The Shadow Knows, Episode 007, Magic & Mastery Podcast

On Tarot & Shadows, Episode 008, Magic & Mastery Podcast

Max Roser. Proof that Life is Getting better for humanity Vox, Dec. 23, 2016.

Organizations Transforming Polarizations and Divisions

Reasons to be Cheerful

Theo Sheppard. This is why intolerance Should not be Tolerated. Medium, May 28, 2020.

Madeleine L'Engle. A Wind in the Door

Book of Shadows Secrets, Magic & Mastery Mini Course

Podcast Theme Music

Music from https://filmmusic.io 
"Crowd Hammer" by Kevin MacLeod ( https://incompetech.com )
License: CC BY ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ )