2024 Capricorn Full Moon

Jun 20, 2024
2024 Capricorn Full Moon

The Capricorn Full Moon is a call for grit and determination in the midst of comfort-seeking Cancer season. Given Cancer's craving for what feels safe -- family, home and community -- the Sea-goat reminds us there's also strength in self-reliance.

However, all Capricorn Moons are not created equal. And this 2024 lunation there's a strong emphasis on taking a time-out. Give yourself a break to recharge; you may need the extra energy for the weeks ahead.

Read on an learn more about how you can savor your inner work under the light of the Full Moon...

About the Full Moon in Capricorn

We encounter the annual Capricorn Full Moon each year between June 21 and July 21. In the northern hemisphere, the days are once again diminishing in length, though the temperatures continue to rise.

Full Moons are energy-charged moments. The Capricorn Full Moon is no exception. However, when the Moon is in Capricorn, it’s in detriment, or struggling to express its essential nature. It’s as if the Moon has reached its height of satisfaction in Cancer season, and realizes it must now swing the other direction to find some middle ground again. In other words, a little discomfort and deprivation is good for the psyche.

So, under the Capricorn Full Moon, it may be time to pull back. You may feel like you need a break from emotional dramas and turmoils. Whether it be an actual retreat from the world, or just a few days of social media detox, some alone time may help you gain some much-needed perspective.

So how do you make the best of the Capricorn Full Moon? Know what you need, and focus on those goals. When emotions come up, notice them, but then let them pass. Mature self-restraint is the best approach to situations. You don’t need to ignore your emotions, but you should recognize them for the fleeting, subjective judgments that they are.

If you want to learn more about Cancer Season, check out my post on how to Make the Most of Cancer Season. Or, you can learn about the essence of Capricorn here.

Now let’s get into what sets this Capricorn Full Moon apart from those in other years...

2024 Capricorn Full Moon Astrological Data

  • Time: Friday, June 21, 8:08 p.m. Eastern U.S.
  • Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
  • Speed: Normal
  • Declination: Out of bounds
  • Lunar Mansion: 22 Al Sa'd al Dhabih (Nickname: The Winged Messenger)
  • Aspects to the Moon: Moon opposite Venus, widely opposite Mercury (with Sun conjunct)
  • Moon’s Ruler: Saturn in Pisces (stationing)
  • Aspects to Moon Ruler: None
  • Other Important Considerations: Moon, Mercury & Venus out of bounds

2024 Capricorn Full Moon Horoscope

The 2024 Capricorn Full Moon is opposite both Mercury and Venus in Cancer. Mercury in Cancer has strong opinions, though is sometimes shy of sharing them. Venus, on the other hand, knows what she wants and can make you understand even without words. However, both are less likely to consider social conventions given they are out-of-bounds and egged on by a sextile to feisty Mars. All is fair in love and war, could be the motto.

There’s another reason this season is not playing by the rules: the Capricorn Full Moon is out of bounds. In other words, it is coasting further south in the sky than usual. You may find you’re more willing to get outside your comfort zone or act out of character (for you) in other ways. Or, you may experience it as a potent urge to turn within and explore the depths of your psyche. It can be a powerful moment to explore what’s motivating you to act the way you do.

Meanwhile, Capricorn’s ruler Saturn is slowing down to turn retrograde just a week after the Full Moon. Saturn’s in the midst of his three-year swim across Pisces, where he’s learning how to find stability through connecting to his center. He counsels mindfulness and all other paths for slowing down and paying attention to the present. But, that may be easier said than done right now, since Saturn’s making no aspects with other places. It’s as if he’s on a silent retreat.

What about the Moon’s lunar zodiac sign? The Capricorn Full Moon falls in the 22nd Lunar Mansion Al Sa'd al Dhabih. I've nicknamed it the Winged Messenger. This lunar mansion craves freedom from constraints. Its trickster traits will pick locks, steal what it needs, or just plain escape in order to release itself from its burdens. Many nurturing places -- our work, our home, our relationships -- become prisons when we are afraid to grow beyond the structures they provide. Even more insidious, our thoughts, judgments and emotions also imprison us, when we allow our fears to make monsters out of the unknown. Take some time to consider what lies beneath, and beyond, and you may see a way out.

Make the Most of the 2024 Capricorn Full Moon

So, what’s the short version of all this? If Cancer is for celebrating the tribe, the Capricorn Full Moon reminds us of our need for some alone time. If you find a strong desire to walk away from life’s hassles, follow your intuition and take a break. A little time out may give you the perspective you need to find your next steps.

"In solitude, the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon itself."

Laurence Sterne